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Created 10-Aug-13
Modified 25-Jun-23
Visitors 120
19 photos
The plan was to create a mask, daily, inspired by the pre-Columbian ceramics in the Colima Museum. I seek to express in the simplest of brush strokes, the character and meaning of the animals and people which these masks represent. Painted in watercolour on rag paper. some of these have gone past the first terms of reference, the discovery of sub-conscious symbols and ideas.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Kristin Krimmel, Mexican, art, art, fine, masks, watercolor

Mask I: El ColimanMask II: Coliman Sitting like a boxMask III: Toro maskMask IV: LeopardMask V: Leopard ManMask VI: ToroMask VII: Watch dogMask VIII: Cat RampantMask IX: Mask with helmetMask X: MonocleMaskXI:Tehuantepecer windMask XII: Salmon ManMask XIII: ExclamationMask XIV: El pero/the dogMask XV: WorryMask XVI: Spirit DancerMask XVII: Oh!Mask XVIII: Looking upMask XIX Digital Man